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Catawba Valley's 50+ Center for Active Living 

Providing resources and services that enable adults 50+ to "Thrive in Community."


Do You Have Chronic Heart Disease? You May be at Risk for Pneumococcal Pneumonia
March/April 2025

Living a heart-healthy lifestyle is important for everyone – but especially those who have a chronic heart condition.

Our heart and lungs work closely together and that's why it's important to take a holistic approach. There are many ways you can start living a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Here are a few:
1. Create a walking routine with friends and family.
2. Try new heart-healthy recipes and share with others.
3. Engage in stress-relieving activities like yoga, art, and meditation.
4. Get vaccinated for pneumococcal pneumonia if you have chronic heart disease.

Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can put you in the hospital for weeks and even be life threatening.

If you have chronic heart disease, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia-and getting vaccinated against it can help protect you.

Adults 65 or older and adults 19 or older with certain other chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes are also at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia and should consider asking their doctor or pharmacist about vaccination.

Pneumococcal pneumonia can strike at any time, in any season. Vaccination is available all year round, so now is the time to ask your doctor or pharmacist if vaccination is right for you.

Even if you've already had a previous pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine, your healthcare provider may recommend additional vaccination to help prevent the disease.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination today and visit to learn more.




Shoo the Flu: Avoiding the Flu Bug
January/February 2025

Shoo the Flu: Avoiding the Flue Bug

Many people think the flu is more of an annoyance than a serious health risk. Receiving the flu shot before the season ramps up is one of the best methods to avoid being bitten by the bug. It is, however, just one of several prevention measures families should take.


4 Ways to Stay Healthy During Flu Season

1. Wash your hands frequently. Good handwashing hygiene is important all year round, but especially during flu season. The flu virus can linger on doorknobs, handrails, drinking fountains, and in other   public places. By washing your hands often, you lower your risk for catching the bug. Use hot, soapy water to scrub your hands throughout the day. Experts say you should wash hands long enough to sing a chorus of Yankee Doodle Dandy. Keep small bottles of alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your purse, desk, and car for when you don’t have access to hot water and soap.

2. Practice healthy self-care. When your immune system is healthy and strong, you are better able to fight off viruses. Exercise, a healthy diet, and a good night’s rest are especially important during flu season. Managing stress by meditating, walking, or swimming also helps keep your immune system in good shape.

3. Limit personal contact. The flu virus can be easily passed from one person to another through a handshake, hug, or other close interaction. Sometimes people might not even know they have the bug. By limiting personal contact during flu season, you may reduce your risk of catching the flu. Opt for a wave or fist bump if you don’t want to appear unfriendly.

4. Avoid touching your face. Most of us don’t realize how often we touch our face (especially our eyes, mouth, and nose) throughout the day. If you’ve picked up the virus on your hands and touch your face, your risk of contracting the flu soars. Being more conscious about not touching your face could help lower your flu risk.


When to Call the Doctor

Despite your best flu prevention efforts, you might find yourself feeling a little rough. Some believe it’s pointless to call the doctor because they think there is no treatment for the virus. In fact, there are prescription antiviral drugs that lessen the severity of flu symptoms and shorten the length of time you are sick.


The catch is that antiviral medications must be taken at the earliest stages of the flu. That means you need to call your physician immediately if you feel like you’ve been bitten by the bug.              




How to Reduce Added Sugar in Your Diet
November/December 2024

Americans love sugar. It’s no secret that most of us consume far too much of it. But you might be surprised to learn just how many pounds of sugar the average American consumes in a year. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, people in this country consume 77 grams of sugar every day. That is 3 times the recommended limit for a total of 60 pounds of sugar each year!

Why is added sugar so bad for your health?

Health experts say it’s harmful in a variety of ways.

The Health Consequences of Too Much Dietary Sugar

While our bodies need sugar, it should come from natural sources — whole grains, fruits, and vegetables — not sugar added to our daily diet. Natural sugar gives us energy and powers our brain. But when we consume too much added sugar, it can wreak havoc on the body. It’s tied to a variety of health problems:

· Increased risk for heart disease and stroke

· Contributes to tooth decay and dental problems

· Linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

· Greater likelihood of developing diabetes type 2

· May cause damage to pancreas and kidneys

· Can lead to mood swings and irritability


How much sugar should you target in your daily diet and what steps can you take to cut back? We have some sugar-buster ideas that can get you on a healthier track.

Ways to Manage Added Sugar

While there is some disagreement about daily guidelines, it isn’t by much. In general, experts say you should limit added sugar in your diet to 25 grams per day for women and 36 grams per day for men. Once you start adding up how much sugar you are consuming in a day, you’ll likely discover it’s a much higher number than it should be. Here are some tips you can use to better manage daily sugar intake:

Commit to reading labels
: After you get in the habit of reading labels, you’ll no doubt be surprised to find how many hidden sources of sugar there are in processed foods. Condiments, cereals, and yogurt are 3 of the most common culprits. These tips from the

Experiment with spices
: Instead of cooking with sauces and dips that might contain ingredients with sugar, try to experiment with different spices. Herbs are another way to give food flavor without adding more sugar to your diet.

Kick the soda habit
: Hands down one of the greatest sources of added sugar in the American diet is soda. A single can of Pepsi, for example, has 66 grams of sugar! Mountain Dew has 46 grams in one can. That’s double or more the amount of sugar you should be consuming in a day.

Eat whole foods:
Another great way to kick your sugar habit is by eating fewer processed foods. When your diet is rich with whole foods, you’re less likely to exceed the daily guidelines.



Mindfulness and its proven impact on loneliness: What you should know

September/October 2024


Maybe you know someone who stands by taking five minutes each morning to meditate or finds time after lunch to quiet his or her mind and focus on breathing. Whatever the method may be,    incorporating “mindfulness” practices into your life can have a wide range of positive health benefits like improving your memory, sleep, and immune system, reducing stress and feelings of loneliness, and increasing compassion toward others and yourself.


Mindfulness means taking time to pay attention to yourself and your thoughts and feelings. Read on to learn how you can put mindfulness into practice in your life to help improve your overall health.


How to make mindfulness a routine part of your day.

Find five to ten minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. (Helpful hint: Put your phone on silent or in another room so you can concentrate!) Take the time to notice where your mind goes and how your body is feeling. You just might find that this helps you focus and prioritize your day.

Before you go to bed take time to focus on the good things that happened that day. Write your thoughts down in a journal. Writing them down can help you deliberately recognize the positive, even on a tough day.

Search for “mindfulness apps” on your smartphone or tablet that lead you in a mindfulness exercise. For many people, using an app is an easy way to remain consistent with the practice. And many of these apps are free!


Feeling lonely? Mindfulness can help.

Mindfulness has been shown to help older adults overcome a silent but urgent health issue: loneliness. It is estimated that more than half of adults age 65 and over regularly experience moderate to severe loneliness. Loneliness is characterized by a marked difference between someone’s desired companionship and actual relationships. Through unique studies conducted by UnitedHealthcare and AARP, researchers are applying the techniques of mindfulness to help combat loneliness in older adults.


Loneliness poses a serious threat to the quality of life for older adults. It is linked to negative health outcomes such as higher risk of dementia, mortality and disability.


“The health risk of chronic loneliness, in older adults, is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and has a greater impact on mortality than obesity,” said Dr. Charlotte Yeh, M.D., chief medical    officer, AARP Services Inc. “That is why UnitedHealthcare and AARP Services Inc. are collaborating to identify actionable solutions, geared for any individual across the spectrum of loneliness.”


Researchers looked at whether mindfulness interventions, like breath awareness, self-compassion and kindness exercises, could positively impact a person’s optimism and quality of life — all factors that help reduce loneliness.


Conclusions were encouraging: Mindfulness activities were shown to decrease loneliness among older adults. The research demonstrated that mindfulness reduced stress, and improved memory, sleep, the immune system, resiliency, and compassion for self and others.


Although loneliness is complex and challenging to address, a mindfulness practice may help you live your best life.


(Courtesy of BPT)



Improve Your Mental Health with Better Sleep


July/August 2024

What’s Keeping You Awake?

If you’re like many Americans, outside influences and worries may affect your sleep. Pinpointing what’s keeping you awake, such as these common sleep disruptors reported in a Mattress Firm    survey, can help you address your concerns so you can rest more easily.


Money or Paying Bills (49%)

My or My Family’s Health (48%)

State of Country and the Economy (39%)

My Kids and Their Health or Education (32%)


“It’s no surprise that when our minds are full or our hearts are heavy, our mental health tends to suffer,” said Dr. Sujay Kansagra, a sleep health expert for Mattress Firm. “What many people don’t realize is that mental health struggles also affect sleep, and adequate rest is a key component of maintaining and improving your mental health.”


If stress and worry are preventing you from getting a good night of sleep, try these ideas from Kansagra to help improve your mental state and ease your body into rest.


Think positively. Every night before going to bed, list three good things from your day. They don't have to be amazing things, just three positive aspects of your day. For example, acknowledge you had a good virtual catch-up with a colleague or enjoyed a new recipe or workout class. Listing your positive experiences at night can help you maintain a positive frame of mind as you unwind for the day.


Create a to-do list. This technique is for those who mentally work through their list of pending responsibilities before bed. In a fast-paced world, sometimes lying in bed is the first time you have to actually think about what’s on your list. By creating a list of tasks (or even writing down your  worries), you can prevent yourself from thinking about them excessively before bed and throughout the night.


Try progressive relaxation. This involves taking slow, deep breaths and slowly tensing the   muscles in your body for a few seconds then relaxing them. Start at your feet and work your way up the body. This technique can help you relax and decompress after a long day.


Give yourself a break. Especially if you’re working from home or tackling a lot of seasonal tasks, it’s easy to keep yourself busy up until the minute you fall into bed. However, your mind may still be whirling from all that activity. Build in a few minutes before bed each night to let your mind rest, whether it’s spending a few minutes with a good book, practicing meditation, or sipping on a cup of sleepy-time tea.


Appeal to your senses. Being mindful of how your senses react to various stimuli can play a role in your ability to drift off to sleep. Some people need silence; others benefit from ambient sound. Certain scents can be soothing and make good choices for essential oil diffusers, such as lavender oil. Also be conscious of the touches that affect your sleep, like the support from your mattress, the softness of your sheets or the temperature of the room.


Whether it’s your family, your health, or general stress that’s keeping you up, find time in your day to give yourself some grace. Your mental health is extremely important and should not be overlooked, so if you’re feeling a little worn down, ensure you’re getting the quality sleep you need to tackle the day and week ahead.





Super Foods for a Nutritious Diet


May/June 2024


The health community has long praised the benefits of vitamins and nutrients derived from natural sources. For those looking to improve their health or take preventative measures, these 10 natural super foods can be incorporated into your daily diet to help support your health:


Green Tea – Armed with a special type of antioxidants called polyphenols, green tea can decrease plaque formed in the arteries and can fight prostate cancer.


Rosemary – Studies have shown this powerful spice can reduce the risk of stroke, as well as protect against Alzheimer’s disease.


Almonds – Full of plant sterols and amino acids, almonds can help lower high cholesterol and promote muscle growth. These handheld treats are also rich in vitamin E, which can protect skin from sun damage.


Fatty Fish – Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fatty fish such as salmon, flounder, and sardines can lower the risk of heart disease.


Bananas – This easy, portable snack is loaded with essential potassium, which regulates the nervous system. Bananas also offer loads of vitamin B-6, which aids immunity and metabolism.


Whole Grains – These powerful body defenders have been known to boost immunity, protect against various cancers, and reduce cholesterol.


Eggs – These energy-packed breakfast favorites contain a special type of protein that helps build muscle strength more than other proteins. When compared to other breakfast foods, eggs can also keep you feeling fuller longer with fewer calories and fat.


Spinach – Chock-full of magnesium, potassium, and various vitamins and nutrients, spinach can prevent clogged arteries and protect against prostate and colon cancers.


Soy – This protein-packed food contains isoflavones, which can aid in treatment and prevention of prostate cancer. Also, research from the Food and Drug Administration shows that 25 grams per day can help lessen the risk of heart disease.


Dark Chocolate – Satisfy your sweet tooth and improve blood flow to the brain at the same time. Dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure and increase skin’s resistance to UV rays.


Find more health-conscious tips at


3 Ways Sweet Cherries Support Your Winter Wellness Routine

March/April 2024


Sweet cherries may conjure images of hot summer days, so who knew that they could be a year-round staple for good health? These sweet snacks provide just the wintertime boost needed to stay on track with any fitness and nutrition New Year's resolutions.

Winter can pose a challenge to eating right and staying in shape. Certainly, nothing beats the flavor of fresh sweet cherries, but with some preparation and creativity, their goodness can be enjoyed all year long. Those who stocked up on sweet Northwest cherries during their short harvest window and planned ahead to freeze, can, or dry them now have a bounty of flavor and nutrients to fuel some of the most grueling months of the year (and for those who didn't, a trip to the freezer or dried food aisles at the supermarket may work just as well!).

"Maintaining a fitness routine can be challenging during the winter. For many of us, it's dark and it's cold, yet despite all the reasons we may want to shake off our routines, paying attention to our health and focusing on nutrition now will set us up for better health year-round," says Kelly Pritchett, PhD, RD, CSSD, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Exercise Science at Central Washington University.

Sweet cherries are a natural and tasty source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and melatonin. They also contain anthocyanins — the pigment that gives dark sweet cherries their deep and delicious color — which are linked to anti-inflammatory effects. According to Pritchett, anyone with a training regimen can realize at least three distinct benefits from adding cherries to their daily fruit intake.

A few of Pritchett's winter training regime tips include:


* Decrease your muscle soreness: Several studies involving athletes suggest that cherry consumption can reduce muscle soreness and also help return loss of strength. By incorporating fresh, frozen, or dried cherries into their diets, fitness fanatics may recover more quickly for the next workout.


* Improve your quality of sleep: Everyone needs a good night's rest, and the melatonin in sweet cherries can promote sleep quality. Sleep is critical to everything from restoring energy to boosting immunity to enhancing metabolism. A serving of sweet cherries about an hour before bedtime can help stabilize and regulate sleep patterns.


* Boost your post-workout recovery: A body that goes through a strenuous exercise routine needs to recover, and dried sweet cherries are an ideal post-workout snack. They provide healthy carbohydrates and help replace glycogen, which gets the body ready for its next go-around.

For those pursuing health and fitness goals, incorporating sweet Northwest cherries into the daily routine is one of the best ways to show some love and stay on track. More information about the health benefits of sweet cherries and the studies that support them is available at

(Courtesy of Brandpoint)


Expert Tips for a Better Night's Sleep
January/February 2024


When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?


For many, sleep doesn't come easy. Up to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome. Nights are spent staring at the walls as insomnia takes control, or frequently waking from snoring or gasping for air due to       untreated obstructive sleep apnea. Fortunately, achieving the recommended seven hours of healthy sleep and managing a sleep disorder is possible with help.


“Sleep should be a restorative experience, but sleep disorders are notorious for robbing us of that nightly pleasure,” said Patti Van Landingham, chair of the American Alliance for Healthy Sleep (AAHS). "Whether recently diagnosed with a sleep disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea, or just noticing warning signs, such as snoring, choking during sleep or fatigue and daytime sleepiness,    people need to seek support so that they can experience the joy of sleep again."


However, where do you start and what resources are available? The AAHS, a patient-focused        membership organization made up of health care providers and patients with sleep disorders, shares the following three tips to manage your sleep better:


Talk to your doctor As a society, we often deprioritize sleep issues despite a patient's need to   address a lack of sleep. Many patients do not proactively talk to their primary care physician about their sleep during routine exams, mainly due to a perceived high cost of treatment. By asking the right questions or finding an accredited sleep center for testing and consultation, you’re one step closer to a good night’s sleep. A sleep physician can help outline a treatment strategy that can last a lifetime, helping you take back control and reduce the cycle of the frustration of losing valuable sleep.


Stay up to date It's an exciting time in the sleep field, and advancements are on the horizon. From new sleep monitoring technology and more comfortable positive airway pressure machines, researchers continue to focus on new ways to provide high-quality patient-centered care. By joining together, patients and their family members can learn more about healthy sleep, access exclusive news affecting the sleep community and ultimately be a part of a collaborative discussion that      furthers the success of the sleep disorders community. Together you can advocate for increased and improved care for patients and rally for more significant research funding to improve the               understanding and treatment of sleep disorders. To learn more about improving your life through healthy sleep, visit


(Courtesy of Brandpoint)




November 2023

The traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the  trimmings can be a festival of luxurious and  favorite food, plates piled high with turkey and   carbohydrates, followed by a food coma that lasts for days. But if you have food allergies or a prescribed diet to control diabetes or high blood pressure, it can be a minefield of boobytrapped delicacies that you have to avoid.

Here are a couple of simple tips to make your Thanksgiving dinner simple, tasty, and one everyone can eat!

Low-Carb Diets, Diabetes Control

Thanksgiving meals are traditionally filled with  carbohydrates: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes — candied or in a sticky casserole topped with   marshmallows, stuffing or dressing, and dinner rolls. If your family or friend group has someone who needs to watch the carbs, a couple quick edits can help. First, ditch the rolls, and second, take a good look at those sweet potatoes. Instead of casseroles, try dicing your sweets, tossing them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast them in the oven on a baking sheet.


To any lover of mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, this might feel like one dietary need you just can’t meet. But with crafty substitutions you’ll be on your way to delicious without having to skip your favs. Making mashed potatoes dairy-free means you have to substitute a fat for that which you would have had from the butter and cream or milk, you also need some liquid for the water content. Olive oil makes a perfect stand-in for the fat and a beaten egg or two will help develop that creamy, rich, and lofty character you need for perfect mashed potatoes. Amounts will vary depending on how many you’re feeding so play around until they taste just right. And don’t forget that if you’re used to using salted butter you may have to add a bit more salt to your recipe than usual.

No matter how you do it, Thanksgiving is a holiday for gathering those we love around us, to enjoy the laughter and warmth of shared good cheer. Enjoy!




December 2023

The holidays can be a tough time to stick to your healthy lifestyle goals. Without a game plan, it’s easy to overindulge in the tempting desserts and carb-heavy dinners and pack on a few extra pounds. That can be risky for adults who live with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease.

By making conscious decisions about what you eat as you celebrate with friends and family, you can keep your pants from fitting a little too tightly in the New Year.


Making Smart Holiday Food Choices


If  you have a solid plan in place before you go to every holiday dinner or party, you will likely be able to avoid both weight gain and health setbacks when the New Year begins.

Consider including some of these tips in your plan for navigating this holiday season:

· When you are at a party, keep a small plate with fresh vegetables and fruit in your hand. When your hands are full, you may be less likely to reach for less-healthy foods.

 If you have a choice of entrees, poultry and   seafood are usually best. Skip the sauces and gravy if you can. Exercise healthy portion control.

Side dishes can also be difficult to navigate. Many contain a surprising amount of fat and calories. When you have a choice, opt for leafy green salads. Choose a baked sweet potato, which is high in fiber and vitamin A, instead of mashed potatoes or a baked potato piled high with sour cream and bacon.

If you can’t bring yourself to skip the dessert table, choose wisely. A small slice of pumpkin pie, two small cookies, or a cup of fresh fruit might help satisfy your sweet tooth without racking up too many calories.

One final piece of advice is to not beat yourself up if you overindulge at a gathering. Start over the next morning with a commitment to doing better that day. Don’t use one slip as an excuse for eating too much the rest of the holiday season. It’s easier to take off one or two pounds than eight or ten.


September 2023


Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans that were once good choices may no longer offer the best coverage. Providers and physicians drop out of both options on a regular basis. That may mean a senior’s long-time doctor or preferred hospital will no longer accept their Medicare or Medicare replacement insurance in 2023.


With the increase in Medicare Advantage plans in recent years, however, there may be a better choice available — one that offers a broader range of health care providers at a better overall price. Sometimes changing plans can save seniors money while also giving them access to different care providers.


Tips to Make the Most of Medicare Open  Enrollment:


1. Review your ANOC: Every Medicare or Medicare Advantage plan recipient receives what is called an Annual Notice of Change (ANOC). They are mailed out in September and typically arrive in late September or early October. It’s important that  you carefully review the ANOC and look for updates that might impact you, from changes in costs to  differences in coverages and providers.


2. Satisfaction with providers: Make a list of things that are working and places where current coverage falls short. Be honest and objective. Thinking about your overall satisfaction, from how long you have to wait for an appointment with a primary care physician to the distance to the closest lab for blood work, is a good idea.


3. Out-of-pocket costs: It’s also helpful to pull together a list of out-of-pocket expenses for the last year or two. Include premiums paid for gap insurance, coinsurance costs, deductibles, and any costs that were denied. Add all of these together. This gives you a better understanding of the true cost of their current plan.


If you have specific questions or just wants help from a professional to determine the best plan for 2023, the State Health Insurance Assistance Plan (SHIP) can be a solution. A SHIP advisor is available at Neighbors Network in November to provide free, unbiased, one-on-one support.


October 2023


Some of the most serious injuries among older adults, age 65 and older, are caused by falling. More than 1.6 million older Americans end up in the emergency room or hospital because of a fall, according to the National Institutes of Health. Seniors who have broken a hip by falling can have trouble recovering and regaining mobility.


The good news is many falls are preventable. One of the first things you can do if you take  prescription medication is have your health care team review your medication.


“Some prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs, or a combination of them, can make you dizzy or sleepy. Either can lead to a fall,” said Jaza Marina, M.D., a geriatrician at Kaiser Permanente in Atlanta. “If you fall, be sure to let your doctor know, even if you aren’t hurt. Sometimes falls are a sign of a new medical    problem that needs attention.”


Many underlying causes of falls can be treated or corrected. Dr. Marina recommends these 10 proactive steps to reduce the risk of falling.


Make your home safe:


1. Remove clutter, throw rugs, and electrical cords that might cause you to trip.

2. Store items on bottom shelves.

3. Add grab bars where necessary, in hallways, stairways and bathtubs.

4. Add a rubber bath mat in the shower or tub.

5. Make sure your home is well lit. Use night lights in hallways and bathrooms.

6. Keep a phone and flashlight by your bed.


Take care of yourself:


7. Stay as physically active as you can.

8. Wear comfortable shoes with good support.

9. Have your vision and hearing checked.

10. Use a cane or walker if you feel unsteady.


For more information on how to prevent falls, visit Also check out for tips on walking as an     exercise. For questions or advice about a specific condition, talk to your physician.



July 2023


When was the last time you had a good night's sleep? For many, sleep doesn't come easy. Up to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome. Nights are spent staring at the walls as insomnia takes control, or frequently waking from snoring or gasping for air due to untreated obstructive sleep apnea. Fortunately, achieving the recommended seven hours of healthy sleep and managing a sleep disorder is possible with help. AAHS, a patient-focused membership organization made up of health care providers and patients with sleep disorders, shares the following tips to manage your sleep better:

Talk to your doctor — As a society, we often deprioritize sleep issues despite a patient's need to address a lack of sleep. Many patients do not proactively talk to their primary care physician about their sleep during routine exams, mainly due to a perceived high cost of treatment. By asking the right questions or finding an accredited sleep center for testing and consultation, you’re one step closer to a good night’s sleep. A sleep physician can help outline a treatment strategy that can last a lifetime, helping you take back control and reduce the cycle of the frustration of losing valuable sleep.

Stay up to date — It's an exciting time in the sleep field, and advancements are on the horizon. From new sleep monitoring technology and more comfortable positive airway pressure machines, researchers continue to focus on new ways to provide high-quality patient-centered care. By joining together, patients and their family members can learn more about healthy sleep, access exclusive news affecting the sleep community and ultimately be a part of a collaborative discussion that furthers the success of the sleep disorders community. Together you can advocate for increased and improved care for patients and rally for more significant research funding to improve the understanding and treatment of sleep disorders.

To learn more about improving your life through healthy sleep, visit resources/.


August 2023


If you’re often short of breath during everyday activities, your chest feels tight, or you cough a lot, you may be chalking it up to getting older, having allergies, or being a smoker (now or in the past). Fortunately, there’s a way to know whether something more may be at play. Consider getting a lung function test to find out if you have a serious condition called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. Knowing the cause of your cough and breathing problems will not only help you manage your symptoms — it’ll help you feel better, too. COPD includes two main conditions — emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It’s usually caused by cigarette smoking or breathing in other irritants, such as dusts or chemical fumes. In a small fraction of people, a genetic condition called alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency plays a role in causing COPD. More than 16 million Americans have been diagnosed with COPD, and millions more have it but don’t know it, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). 

Spirometry: A Lung Function Test

The main test for COPD is called spirometry. Your provider will use the test results to determine how healthy your lungs are, if you have COPD and how serious it is, or if asthma or other conditions are causing your symptoms. Spirometry can also help your provider know if you have COPD before you even have symptoms, so if you’re concerned about your lung health, consider getting a spirometry test.

Ask for a lung function test if you:
•Are or were a smoker
•Feel out of breath often
•Bring up a lot of mucus when you cough
•Have been diagnosed with a lung disease
•Have AAT deficiency
•Are concerned about your lung health

NHLBI’s Learn More Breathe BetterSM program provides free educational resources about COPD, videos on spirometry, and more. Find them at

The Wade Center ~ 502 Thornburg Drive NE, Conover, NC 28613    ~    828.464.1111