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Catawba Valley's 50+ Center for Active Living 

Providing resources and services that enable adults 50+ to "Thrive in Community."


Food Pantry

Available Food at Neighbors Network

GIVE-N-TAKE : Neighbors has three Food Boxes located at the front of the Center.

Take what you need, give what you can! They are available 24/7.

(Food boxes are under camera surveillance for your security and safety.)

FOOD PANTRY: A Community Food Pantry is located inside of our Center for adults 50+.  Appointments are required. Call 828-464-1111 during our office hours.

Classes Button

AARP Tax-Aide


The AARP Tax-Aide offers FREE tax preparation by their volunteers. They will help you with your federal and state income taxes. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 828-358-4669 after January 16th. If there’s no answer when calling please do not leave a message but try calling back another time.



Notary Services

Our staff has been certified as a Notary Public. Anyone needing to have a document notarized can call our office during business hours for an appointment. This is a free service for adults 50+.


Review Your Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage Plan!


Every year your Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage Plan needs to be reviewed to determine if a change is needed. A representative of the Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) can meet with you for free at Neighbors Network to review and compare plans. Call Neighbors Network at 828-464-1111     during Open Enrollment to schedule an appointment.



The Wade Center ~ 502 Thornburg Drive NE, Conover, NC 28613    ~    828.464.1111